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home blog Tips to keep your diet in check at your holiday parties

By Val Ramsay on 12/21/2013

Between all the parties, shopping and making time for family and friends, the holiday’s can be a stressful time of year. It’s no wonder that this is also when people’s diets are thrown out the window only to have it replaced with holiday baked goodies, alcoholic drinks and, if you’re anything like me, a whole lot of brie cheese (my favorite!). Although it’s okay to indulge a little over the holidays, it’s also important to start the New Year off feeling your best. That’s why Team Stratusphere asked me to put together a few tips and tricks to help you keep your diet in check as you endure this holiday season.

1. Prioritize your cheat food

At parties and events, you don’t need to try everything that comes your way. We all have our favorite cheat foods so save your ‘cheating’ for the foods you really want. And, with those ‘cheats’, don’t go over board with it, portion control is always important!

2. Veggies first

I don’t want to hear excuses about not eating your vegetables over the holidays! At most parties or events you’ll find a fruit or vegetable tray. A great trick is to fill up your plate with these healthier items first. Not only will the vegetables and fruit supply you with lots of filling fiber & nutrients, they will also prevent you from filling up on the more tempting sweets and treat items.

3. Drink smart

Stay away from the specialty alcoholic drinks as they are loaded with sugar and extra calories. Drink water in between each alcoholic drink and refrain from eating fatty foods while consuming alcohol. Most importantly don’t forget to drink responsibly!

4. Stay active & de-stress

Just because it’s a busy time of year doesn’t mean you should neglect your own health. Staying active is just as important now as it is any other time of year. Exercise helps to relieve stress, maintain your metabolism, helps you get a good nights rest and keeps your weight in check. Taking a 30 minute walk outside, getting your sweat on in a hot yoga class, going skating or even playing in the snow with your kids are excellent ways to keep active this holiday season.

5. Portion control

I can’t stress this one enough. Nothing feels worse than that feeling of overeating, especially when it’s high fat and high sugar foods. Take a moment before approaching an event or situation where you may be faced with temptation and really reflect on your health goals and the current state of your hunger. Make a conscious decision to make healthy choices and not overeat. Being mindful in these situations can make a huge difference.

6. Enjoy yourself!

Use this holiday season to spend time with the people you love the most, enjoy some delicious food, have fun and most importantly, stay safe!

Happy Holidays from Team Stratusphere!

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